Friday, January 18th
There are 4 other girls from SNC here with me and Friday was our time to shine. Oh, and I saw the Colosseum.

It was another day of orientation presentations for the most part. However, by the afternoon we took a trip and walked over to see the Colosseum. It was fine I guess. Just kidding, it was amazing! I plan on going back when I have more time to actually enjoy it. It is about a 25 minute walk from my apartment so that won't be difficult to do.
We also learned how to use the tram in the area as well as how to read the bus signs because you know, they're in Italian. It was about 2 hours of walking again but it was nice to get out of the campus building. We had free lunch back at the Tiber campus cafeteria when we were done with our tour.
We had some downtime before going out for pizza and wine for dinner with girls from SNC and some of their roommates. Then we stopped at an American bar to see what that was like. The bar was fine but it only had one bathroom so that stop didn't last long. The other girls continued on to another bar but Ally and I called it quits (it was about 12:30am). It was fun seeing people from our program in a more casual setting but we were still tired and had plans for the next day yet.
Overall, it was a really nice night and fun to see the area all lit up after dark.